Type of Conjunctions (कंजंक्शन के प्रकार)
Co-ordinating Conjunctions
समानपदीय समुच्चय बोधक अव्यय
The conjunction that connects two independent clauses is known as a coordinating conjunction. The connected statements are of the same level.
दो स्वतंत्र या समान स्तर के दो statements को जोड़ने वाले conjunctions को
conjunctions या
समानपदीय समुच्चय बोधक अव्यय कहा जाता है. कुछ मुख्य co-ordinating conjunctions इस प्रकार हैं...
and, but, for, or, nor, also, either...or, neither...nor
Co-ordinating conjunctions are of 4 types.
Co-ordinating conjunctions चार प्रकार के होते हैं
Cumulative or Copulative - संयोजक:
These join two sentences, phrases or words.
यह केवल दो कथनों को जोड़ता
है, जैसे...
1. |
Birds fly and fish
2. |
I like to study and he
likes to play.
Adversative - विरोधदर्शक:
This is the type of conjunction that exhibits opposition.
यह वह conjunction है जो विरोध प्रकट करे.
1. |
He is slow but he is sure.
2. |
I was annoyed
still I kept quiet.
Disjunctive - विभाजक or Alternative - वैकल्पिक:
The type of conjunction that gives the sense of selecting from two options.
यह conjunction दो विकल्पों में से एक को चुनने का बोध कराता है, जैसे...
1. |
Run quickly
else you will lose the race.
2. |
She must take the medicine or she will die.
Illative - परिणमदर्शक:
The conjunction that shows the result of some action.
यह किसी बात का परिणाम प्रकट करता है.
1. |
Something fell
in the water for I heard a splash.