Forms of Adverbs (क्रियाविशेषण के रूप)
Let us see some different forms in which adverbs are deployed.
आइये देखते हैं कुछ अलग रूप जिनमें क्रियाविशेषण को प्रयुक्त करना जाहते हैं.
Adverb or Adjective
Some words are used in the same form as an adverb as their corresponding adjectives, i.e. some words can be used both as adverbs and as adjectives.
कुछ शब्दों ऐसे भी होते हैं जिन के जिस रूप को
क्रियावशेषण की तरह प्रयुक्त करते हैं, उनके उसी रूप को
विशेषण की तरह भी उपयोग में लाया जाता है.
We can decide what Part of Speech is being applied only by evaluating how the word is used.
कौन से
शब्द-भेद का उपयोग किया गया है इसका पता तो वाक्य का विशलेषण करने पर ही पता चलता है.
| As Adverb | As Adjective |
1. | He bowls fast. | He is a fast bowler. |
2. | Go back. | This is the back door of the house. |
3. | He worked hard to achieve his goal. | He is a hard worker. |
Forms with and without 'ly' - same meaning
1. | She talks loud. | She talks loudly. |
Here the use of the word loud in both cases ie. with and without ly has the same meaning.
loud के दोनों उपयोग - ly के साथ और बिना - से प्रकट होने वाला अर्थ एक ही है.
Forms with and without 'ly' - different meanings
Sometimes the two forms of adverbs (with and with 'ly') have different meanings.
कभी-कभी ly के बिना या साथ वाले दोनो रूप वाले क्रियाविशेषण के अर्थ अलग होते हैं.
1. | He works hard. | He hardly works. |
| hard - as diligently. | hardly - as very little. |
2. | He has arrived late. | I have not seen him lately. |
| late - opposite of early. | lately - recently. |
Adverbs where missing verbs or adjectives are understood
Take a look at the below examples...
निम्न उदाहरण पर गौर करें...
| The usage | With the missing (understood) part |
1. | A down train | A down-going train |
2. | The above fact | The above-mentioned fact |
In these examples, it appears that the adverbs have been used like adjectives.
ऐसा प्रकट होता है जैसे की इन उदाहरणों में क्रियाविशेषण का उपयोग एक विशेषण की तरह किया गया है.
the as an Adverb
In the following sentences the is a demonstrative pronoun that is used as an adverb and is not a definite article.
निम्न वाक्यों में the का उपयोग
संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम (demonstrative pronoun) की तरह किया गया है जो एक
क्रियाविशेषण की भूमिका में है - ना की
डेफिनिट आर्टिकल (definite article) की तरह.
| The usage | Explanation |
1. | The more the merrier | In both these the express the extent of quantity - If there is (how much) more it would be (that much) merrier. |
2. | The sooner the better. | Depending on (how much) soon, the action in consideration is completed, it would be (that much) better. |
This type of usage of the as an adverb is made only with some adjective or another adverb that is in the comparative degree.
केवल उत्तरावस्था स्तर के किसी अन्य विशेषण या दूसरे क्रियाविशेषण के साथ उपयोग करते समय
the का क्रियाविशेषण के रूप में ऐसा उपयोग किया जा सकता है.